I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.

Ez 22:30

Among the words of scripture, few are more tragic than these. Let’s not be the generation found derelict in our duty because we couldn’t find men to stand in the gap.

Why We Pray

Look around.  The world is on fire.  And sadly, the church has rolled over in many cases, abdicating its role and merely persevering with white knuckles instead of being the overcomers that scripture speaks about.  Overcomers who operate in God-given authority to take back what the Enemy has stolen and will simply not rest until every one of the seven cultural mountains is brought back under the authority of Christ.

We emphatically do not believe that we can strategize our way to victory through political solutions.  And we most definitely will not see victory by retreating further into a church subculture that cowers and thinks that if we just “stay in our lane” the surrounding culture will leave us alone and allow us to peacefully coexist.  Satan is engaged in all-out war and we see the results in our culture. 

Nor will we worship our way to victory.  Or preach our way to victory.  Or evangelize our way to victory. All of these are good and necessary things, but they are not what God told us to do in 2 Chronicles 7:14 where the prescription for our national and societal illness is given.  HIS PEOPLE must repent, pray, and turn from their wicked ways.  Not the world – the church.  Then, He will heal our land.  When we address the root, all of the symptoms will resolve.  Politics follow and reflect the culture – they do not lead it. 

It is thus incumbent on us as men to lead our families, churches, communities, and nations to true repentance.  We are His people and we can turn the tide.  In fact, 2 Chron 7:14 is an “if-then” promise.  He promises to do His part – but only if we do our part.

How We Pray

Many men do not want to pray – not because they do not think it is important, but because they do not know how to pray.  They may be timid and, through a false sense of humility, convinced they are unworthy to ask anything of God.  They may not feel articulate enough.  Or, they may be so burdened down with personal sin and difficulties that they are guilt-ridden and have no personal victory in their lives.  They can barely pray for themselves – let alone others – and have never learned how to rise above a focus on themselves and their problems to those of a community and national level.

We teach men to have victory in their personal lives so that they are able to pray for the bigger issues that touch hundreds, millions, and billions.  We teach men that prayer consists not just of supplication but of enforcing the legal authority of heaven and thus declaring and decreeing what we hear heaven saying.  When the disciples asked Christ how they should pray, part of His instructions were “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  It is thus up to us to ensure that God’s will is happening on earth.  His will is not automatically assured.  We must pray and contend against the spiritual forces of wickedness.

Prayer is best learned by doing.  By listening to other men pray who have learned by reason of use.  Courage breeds courage and when men pray with boldness and authority, it fosters more and more prayer. 

Christ said the gates of hell will not prevail against us.  Gates are defensive mechanisms – not offensive.  A gate protects territory – it does not invade territory nor expand territory.  Our job is to break down the gates of hell that are trying to keep us out – that lie to us and tell the church to “stay in our lane”.  Our job is to take back the territory that we have ceded through our sin and ignorance – and that has been stolen from us. 

We pray from a place of victory.  We play offense, not defense.

Where/When We Pray

We gather weekly to pray at this highly symbolic and strategic location where Nevada’s laws are made. Our goal is to see 7,000 men from across our region congregating weekly - in one place and in one accord - offering up effectual, fervent prayer.

Saturdays at 7:00 AM

The Nevada State Legislature Building

401 S Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada

At the clock in front of the legislature entrance

For more information contact Eric at (702) 528-4847

We focus on prayer for the governments of our state and nation - one of the seven mountains of culture. We also pray for the other six mountains: church, economy, education, family, media, and arts & entertainment.

We focus on prayer for the governments of our state and nation - one of the seven mountains of culture. We also pray for the other six mountains: church, economy, education, family, media, and arts & entertainment.

Thursdays at 6:30 PM

Valley Christian Fellowship

1681 Lucerne Street, Minden, Nevada

In the “Big Kids” room

For more information contact info@encounterthecross.life

NOTE: Thursday prayer will begin June 1, 2023