Who We Are
Encounter the Cross Ministries
has a mandate to reach men for Christ, disciple them in the foundations of faith, charge them with their responsibilities to God, family, and community, and plug them into their local churches where they serve according to their gifts and callings while building and furthering the kingdom of God. We also call men to regular, corporate prayer, teaching them how to pray with authority, passion, and led by prophetic insight while always grounded in scripture.
We are based in
Northern Nevada
and focus on our communities in the Carson City, Carson Valley, and surrounding areas. However, we also work to replicate the methods we use in other communities and states by holding Encounter events in strategic locations as God leads and then teaching those locally how to sustain and grow. We thus grow organically and are focused on quality of disciples while also trusting God for genuine numerical multiplication. Quality and quantity are not mutually exclusive.
We augment and support
our local churches by building spiritually strong men that change their families, their communities, their workplaces, their nation, and their world. By building godly men, we build the most fundamental unit of society – the traditional, nuclear family – and in turn the other mountains of society: the Church, Government, Education, Media, Finance, and Arts & Entertainment.
Our calling
is to men that are traditionally unreached and unchurched or who have alienated themselves from church because they have not encountered an authentic community of men that are transparent, have authentic testimonies of transformation, live victorious lives, conduct themselves with integrity, lead with excellence, and are passionate about their Savior.
We are godly. We are passionate. We are men. We do not conform to the culture and we do not subscribe to a model of Christianity that is passive, weak, “seeker-friendly”, effeminate, inoffensive, and supplicating. We are made in the image of God and He created us male and female in His infinite wisdom to complement and balance one another.
Through Christ, His finished work on the cross, and the infilling power of the Holy Spirit, we are transforming men into warriors for the kingdom, one life at a time.